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The webpage "MINIGEOTERMIA" is in construction


The aim of this project would be to outline the guidelines for retrofitting existing buildings with proper geothermal plants, meaning with “geothermal” the heat exchange with soil by using closed heat-exchanger circuit better than open circuit. Actually in Italy (and not only) the new buildings are much less than the old buildings, and most of the old ones need (or well need at sort term) a radical rehabilitation from the energetic point of view.  The first step shall be a better understanding the soil properties (by using innovative methods) down to a shallow depth (no more than 30-50m) not only from a geotechnical/geological point of view but also from a thermal-exchange point of view, for trying to avoid a very expensive (and not ever possible) GRT test. Second step shall be to assess and design the better depth type and diameter of heat exchangers, related to the available spaces and height of the building and the type of foundation (eventually combining special foundation like micropiles or diagphram walls with heat exchangers). Third step shall be to find the best drilling method for installation of heat exchangers, in terms of efficiency (costs, quality of installation and rate of drilling) and the lowest impact (noise, evacuation of cuttings, duration of the drilling works). The fourth step shall be to design a proper combination of heat pump, heaters (low temperature: floor heathers, wall heathers) and power supply (photovoltaic, grid, etc) .

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