Need to know how to sample liquefable sand or to take very deep undisturbed samples ? how to carry out an offshore geotechnical campaign with water depth ranging from 0,5 to 50 m water? how to carry out a 100 m CPTU test in stratified soils without having a penetrometer, how to carry out geotechnical investigations in very peculiar environments? in few words do you need something special ?​
Here are My services, rendered together other Professionals:
• Geotechnical, seismic, environmental Consulting, study of the interaction between soil and structures, soil geotechnical modeling, landslides study, study of water and geothermal resources, study of non-natural soils (i.e. Tailing Dams), etc.
• Courses on Geognostics, Geotechnics, Hydrogeology (Water Resources), in Italian and English
• Consulting and / or Design of Special Foundations (piles, micropiles, diaphragms walls, injections, anchor-piles, etc.), remediation projects, geotechnical, structural and environmental monitoring projects.
• Design and development of INNOVATIVE equipment for Geotechnical Drilling, Down-Hole Testing, CPT, Special means, Monitoring Tools, etc., including development of the electronic part and management software and scientific advice on data interpretation: special CPT, methods of Innovative drilling, Special Core-Barrels, Wireline, MWD, Drilling systems, Offshore-Nearshore testing systems, DownHole testing equipment, Special vehicles for drilling (nautical, onshore, difficult environments), Deep Geotechnical Drilling & Testing, Geotechnical-Structural Monitoring, etc.
• Consulting Service to Universities, Private or Public Engineering Companies for Planning and Optimization of geo-surveying campaigns (onshore, nearshore, offshore), subsoil structure projects,
• Development of hardware (electronics and small mechanics) for geotechnical and environmental tests and drilling and adaptation / adaptation of existing equipment.
•Planning and Managing in-site geotechnical investigations, onshore and offshore, also for very large projects
more than 43 years of experience
Who am I?
What I've done since 1980 (besides Master Degree in Civil Engineering in 1984):
1980: development of a software for interpretation of CPT, plotting, reporting.
1980-1996: co-management of Family Company (geotechnical drilling&testing, special foundation, water wells)
1985: drill-rig for MICRO-DIAGPHRAM WALLS (rig with electrical engine capable to drill 31 cm thick x 11 m deep walls in very narrow spaces
1994: development of a custom CPTU system including data acquisition SW
1996÷2010: Development of several custom models of Environmental CPTU
1997÷2014: invention and development of WIRELINE PERMEAMETER(s), WIRELINE SAMPLERS, RESISTIVITY CPTU, NEMO JACKUP, MOD-GEO1, Special Equipment and Drilling Means, WIRELINE SEISMIC CPTU
1985÷present: hundreds of Geotechnical Reports, Special Foundation Design, very special Consultancy Jobs (for instance: Subsidence in North Adriatic) from 2002 together with the wife (chartered geotechnical Engineer as well)
2000÷present: development&management of European and Regional Financing Projects
1997÷2014: Shareholder, CEO, Manager, Commercial at SPG (geotechnical drilling&testing company ); management of very special nearshore, offshore, onshorejobs (Dams in Libya, Deep c.c.boreholes and tests, mobile dams in Venice, Nuclear Plant in Slovenia, Pipeline in Kazakhstan, Ports, Landslide Management, etc)
Management (Technical, Administrative, Financial) of DRILLING&TESTING COMPANIES
Teaching: SEMINARS, MASTER both in Italian and in English (on Geotechnical Equipment, Interpretation, Water Resource, Water Wells, Hydrology, etc)

Born on 24-2-1959.
Degree in Civil Engineering 1984
Has worked as Company Manager from 1980 to 2015
Working as Consultant from 1985
Chartered Civil Engineer since 1985 (35 years)
Wide Experience in Geotechnical Drilling & Testing, Special Foundations, Water Wells, R&D in innovative drilling&testing equipment and/or means, Geotechnical Design
Please take note that the Company SPG has been definitively closed in 2015; therefore the photos of the equipment are shown just as reference.
This is NOT a website for promoting drilling&testing services
Siete pregati di prendere nota che la ditta SPG è stata chiusa definitivamente nel 2015; quindi le foto delle attrezzature sono riportate solo come riferimento.

Why Contact Me?
PROBLEM SOLVING in the geotechnical field
Support for Drilling&Testing and/or Equipment Manufacturing companies, Engineering Companies, Universities, Research Companies, Consultants, Designer
Nearshore and Offshore Geotechnical Engineering
CREATION of new equipment, methods, ideas in the geotechnical/drilling/testing field
Support in R&D projects
advice on optimization and customization of equipment
Seminars and Courses in geotechnical engineering, water resources, drilling, testing

available technology&know how:
drilling and testing/monitoring equipment
CPTWD: cone penetration test while drilling
electronic equipment for testing: CPTU, RCPTU, memory-CPTU, environmental cone, Vane Test, Permeameters, Screw Plate Load Test
Some of the most relevant Jobs (directly managed as Technical Director) in Geotechnical/Environmental field
Geotechnical Survey and monitoring for Experimental Embankment in Treporti (Ve)
Geotechnical Geophysical and Environmental Surveys for Kashagan Field Pipeline in Kazakhstan
Geotechnical Survey for Mobile Dams in Venice
Geotechnical Surveys and Monitoring for several projects related to Mobile Dams
Deep CPTWD for High Speed Train Tall Bridge (River Po) in Piacenza
Geotechnical Survey for Nuclear Waste Disposal in Krsko (Slovenija)
Geotechnical Surveys for several "insular", palaces, bridges in Venice: San Marco, Burano, Santa Marta, etc
Geotechnical Surveys for Power Plants (Porto Tolle Italy, Algeria -Spain-, etc)
Geotechnical Surveys and monitoring of several Monuments and Hystorical Palaces: S.Marco Bell Tower, Frari (Venezia), Rialto Bridge, S.Maria Maggiore, Torre Donà (Rovigo), Prato della Valle and Palazzo della Ragione (Padova), etc
Geotechnical Surveys for Metro (surface and underground) in Padova and Bologna
Geotechnical Surveys for 3rd lane of Venezia Trieste motorway
Geotechnical and Environmental survey/monitoring for Area 42 in Marghera (Venice) and several other Environmental surveys in Marghera area
Offshore and Nearshore Geotechnical Surveys for Ras Lanuf Port in Libya and GALSI pipeline from Algeria to Italy, Molfetta, Genova, La Spezia, etc
Deep Boreholes for Seismic Assessment in Brezice (Slovenija)
Geotechnical survey (deep BHs) and Monitoring for Bologna Subsidence
Geotechnical Surveys and Monitoring for Several Landslides in Italy
Geotechnical Surveys for Hazira Port in India
Geotechnical Survey and Report for rehabilitation of 2 dams at Wadi Qattarah in Libya
Geological Map of Regione Emilia Romagna (thousands CPTU and dozens deep Bhs), Friuli and Lombardia (part)
Geotechnical Surveys for railways, Underpasses, bridges for SFMR project in Veneto
Several Geotechnical structural and Environmental Surveys using Modgeo, FWM, Nemo Jackup, vibrocorer, CPTWD
Several Environmental Surveys for sediments in the Dams and tailings
Deep Environmental Survey (-180 m) near Torino
Thousands of Geotechnical, Environmental, Archaeological Surveys and Reports, Project Design of Special Foundations for Buildings, Bridges, Restoration, accomplishment of underground structures, Slope stability, Retaining Walls, Landslides
Several Geotechnical Campaigns abroad Italy for Roads, Dams, Special Projects (Deva Orastie, Romania), North Macedonia, Albania, Slovenia, Spain, etc
35030 Cinto Euganeo (Pd)
mobile +39 392 8428775
+39 392 8428775
skype: maxsak
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